Life as a Hurricane
May 4, 2022 Have you ever wondered why it seems like bad things happen to good people? Have you ever been moving through life, thinking all is good, only to have the carpet quickly yanked from under your feet? Have you ever been perplexed as to why, despite, your very best efforts...storms sometimes come your way? How do we navigate this thing Consider the two pictures below of Hurricane Dorian from 2019. Hurricane Dorian absolutely ravaged the Bahamas in 2019. It's estimated that the damage exceeded 7 billion dollars and 84 people were killed. Certainly, some of the 84 casualties were amazingly "good" people; people who lived a good life, were kind to others and did all the right things. There were innocent children killed in Hurricane Dorian. I'm sure, as well, that some of the 84 people were creeps. Criminals who broke the law, didn't pay their bills, wronged their neighbors, domestic abusers, and were just general "low lifes." Today ...