
Showing posts from April, 2015

Common Core Standards, the SBAC, and taking care of all kids!

Several of you have asked me what my thoughts are on “Common Core” or the new SBAC assessments. Wanted to provide a thoughtful response and invite you to do more digging if you’re interested. I’m also happy to engage with you in dialogue back and forth, discuss and answer questions, etc. First-The “Common Core” standards in WA are referred to as the “Washington State K-12 Learning Standards.” There is a ton of information that you can find out about at Education nationally has varied tremendously over the past 100 years. Quite frankly, the richest of us sent their kids to exclusive private schools. The rest of us sent our kids to public schools, which varied from state to state broadly and even from community to community. Many of you value “local control”….and I do too….but not when that “local control” means that kids from small, rural or other communities don’t have access to the same high level rigorous curriculum. At the end of the day….for me it’s ab...