Faces in the Crowd

493 faces in the crowd from 1306 SW Webster Street to the Starbucks on Westlake at South Lake Union, Seattle, WA. Even gender division, well-dressed and disheveled, young and old, tired and alert, black, brown, white and in-between. 493 faces in the crowd. On the street corner. Metro bus route 125. South Seattle Community College. Westlake Center. Sidewalk passing Fantasy Girls adult theater. 493 faces in the crowd. I noticed 493 different faces in the crowd this morning. Counted them actually. I was struck by the enormity of the work within our public schools in Washington State and around the country. I paused this morning to consider the differences portrayed on the faces I passed. What is it that creates "the look" of each face I passed. What role did/will teachers play in the attitudes of fellow human beings that crossed my path this morning? There really seemed to be no "in between." Faces were filled with joy, hope and optimism or sadness, despair...